Black Vote Abruptly canceled in Wake of Trumps RacistOutbursts
Men Shirts

Black Vote Abruptly canceled in Wake of Trump’s “Racist” Outbursts

The Red Shirts is a group of hooded, black-clad neo-Nazi skinheads who can be recognized by their signature shirts which read: “Allahu Akbar!” or “National socialism is evil!” The Red Shirts was a prolific grouping of anti-black terrorist organizations active in the aftermath of the Civil War in the latter years of the nineteenth century, especially in the southern United States. The Red Shirts typically wore red clothes, like the Rednecks, or was made from red cloth.

The modern history of the Red Shirts began around the time of WW II when American soldiers returning from the war would wear these red shirts to blend in with the comrades they had left behind. Following the ending of World War II, these red shirts turned into a popular symbol of anti-Americanism amongst skinheads all across the country. They adopted the red-sleeve design to wear in solidarity with the nation. They adopted the slogan “Allahu Akbar” as their catch phrase to raise their flag while marching.

In general, the design for these red-sleeved apparel was an Alla Alba, which means “the American Flag.” However, they also adopted the Stars and Bars as their additional design and often changed the color from navy blue to red as well. By varying the shade of red to various shades, they attempted to represent the various struggles and tragedies Americans faced during the past. For instance, the most commonly seen red shirt worn by skinheads represents the resistance against the occupying forces during the Civil War.

One story relating to the origin of wearing red shirts comes from the Alton episode. There, American General John Pershing refused to take over the Fortifications at Camp Hood because it was considered a military camp. American soldiers wearing red shirts were said to be instigators of the hostile action. One of them was killed. The reason why the general ordered that red-sleeved shirts are worn was not because they wanted to instigate conflict, but it was because of the color red, which is what the “Red Shirts” was emblazoned with.

The events that lead to the adoption of the red-sleeved shirt are still disputed among historians. Some believe that General Pershing decided to change the color because he wanted to discourage the enemy from capturing or killing Americans. Others say it was because some American soldiers had been killed by bullets fired by British troops. Others say that the general simply wanted to make his troops look more frightening so that they would more likely fight well against the enemy. Whatever the reason, it did not matter, since none of the British troops was willing to wear red shirts.

After the Fort Hood incident, many in America saw the incident as an attempt by Britain to incite American patriotic sentiment and prevent the country from entering the World War. Many whites were upset that the Chinese had been allowed to set up a consulate in San Francisco. In response, many rednecks, including some in Hampton, Maryland, began wearing black clothing and joining the fraternal Order of the American Yellow Fraternity. Many of these members believed that they had received the right to vote, since the order had been founded by blacks. In response to this, the Grand Lodge of Free and Independent Rednecks of the United States issued a declaration that called for “a halt to the agitation of the white slave trade until such time as our national flags are red, white, and blue.”

This is a telling example of how voting and free speech can get distorted when one side wants to silence opposition. At the same time, there was nothing wrong with the symbolism of the red, white, and blue colors used in the Order. Most of its members were veterans who resented the way the British had treated them after the war. At the time, there were fears that whites and blacks would not be allowed equal representation in Congress due to the voting patterns. These fears were well-founded, but there were plenty of excellent, well-intentioned black voters in Hampton who did not want to support either one of them.

Thankfully, there was no racial rioting or intimidation with the cars being burned in North Carolina. Nevertheless, it was disgusting to see the white power symbolism showcased at a campaign event for a democratic candidate for president of the United States in a heavily populated city like Hampton. It appears that those who are bent on keeping slavery alive in America and supporting a candidate for president who does not want to do anything about it have gone out of their way to make this election as disgusting as possible, using all kinds of symbolism that evokes feelings of humiliation and ire toward an entire race of Americans.

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