Everything About Henley T-Shirts
T Shirts

Everything About Henley T-Shirts

A Henley shirt is simply a collarless, double-breasted pullover shirt, typically having a round, collar-like neckline and a tapering placket around 3 to 7 inches in length and generally having 2 buttons or three. It is basically a long collar polo shirt worn by the British Army. The name comes from the company which made the shirts, Hetford. Since then it has become a very iconic style of clothing in the world of sportswear and casual wear.

One of the advantages of wearing a Henley shirt is that there is no collar to wear. Thus you get to choose how much you want to show off your collar by letting it hang freely over your chest. Some people prefer to keep it tucked under their belt, but others enjoy showing their stylish side, and like to wear their collared shirts just for themselves. Whether you wear a single or double breasted Henley shirt with a pair of stonewashed jeans, you look like a million dollars!

In the winter, Henley shirts come in two styles: the short sleeve and long-sleeved varieties. Short-sleeved versions are usually worn in the winter months and come in a variety of styles, including a V-neck, crew, or plain. Long-sleeved Henley shirts are usually worn in the cold weather and come in a huge variety of styles, including the classic short sleeved style, the pea coat, or the cable knit. The choice is really up to you. Short and long-sleeved Henley shirts are both available in their natural colors, and if you are a green you can even dye your shirts to match.

A Henley shirt typically will consist of a shirt collar, a short collar, and one or two buttons down the front of the collar. You may also find a tabard or cuffs with the placket, but these features are not present on all styles. The placket itself will either come with snaps, lacing, or a magnetic closure. The majority of modern Henley shirts feature an option for a removable, machine washable, cotton lining, which can be done right before you get to the pool, or the pool and your shirt end up faded by the pool!

Most men who own a pair of Henley shirts tend to own more than one style. One example would be that the classic short sleeved pajama shirt can easily be converted into a tank top and worn as a lounger during the day, and then converted back to the short-sleeved pajama shirt for sleeping (after swimming). If you don’t care to wear your Henley shirts outdoors, for instance, you can still wear the long sleeved version as a summer pajama shirt and be perfectly comfortable and warm while wearing it. Henley t-shirts are also available in a wide variety of colors and can be purchased in virtually any style imaginable. They are truly made for everyone, regardless of their taste, and whether you want them plain or printed with a favorite logo, or featuring an animal, or flower design, you can find the perfect pajama shirt to match.

A Henley shirt usually consists of three layers: the pea, the shell, and the base layer. The pea is the most vulnerable layer, and is the part that are often removed during laundering; however, this is an optional part of your Henley shirt. The shell is the top layer, which protects the upper portion of the pea, and provides insulation against moisture. Finally, the base layer is the outermost layer, which is designed to provide comfort and protection, but does not have any functional purpose.

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